System requirements:

  • Microsoft Windows WIN 10, 8 GB RAM, 4 Core, 1x USB 2.0
  • Optimized for resolution 1920x1080


Download wylerINSERT

Release notes for wylerINSERT

array(6 items)
   position => array(3 items)
      horizontal => "right" (5 chars)
      vertical => "intext" (6 chars)
      noWrap => FALSE
   width => 400 (integer)
   count => array(3 items)
      files => 1 (integer)
      columns => 1 (integer)
      rows => 1 (integer)
   columnSpacing => 10 (integer)
   border => array(3 items)
      enabled => FALSE
      width => 2 (integer)
      padding => 0 (integer)
   rows => array(1 item)
      1 => array(1 item)
         columns => array(1 item)
            1 => array(2 items)
               media => TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\FileReference prototype object
                  propertiesOfFileReference => protected array(35 items)
                     uid => 1983 (integer)
                     pid => 246 (integer)
                     tstamp => 1483973399 (integer)
                     crdate => 1422625741 (integer)
                     cruser_id => 6 (integer)
                     sorting => 256 (integer)
                     deleted => 0 (integer)
                     hidden => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_id => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_label => "" (0 chars)
                     t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
                     t3_origuid => 0 (integer)
                     sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_diffsource => "a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}" (21 chars)
                     uid_local => 3110 (integer)
                     uid_foreign => 3791 (integer)
                     tablenames => "tt_content" (10 chars)
                     fieldname => "image" (5 chars)
                     sorting_foreign => 1 (integer)
                     table_local => "sys_file" (8 chars)
                     title => NULL
                     description => NULL
                     alternative => NULL
                     link => "" (0 chars)
                     showinpreview => 0 (integer)
                     crop => "" (0 chars)
                     autoplay => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_state => NULL
                  name => protected NULL
                  originalFile => protected TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\File prototype object
                     updatedProperties => protected array(empty) max depth
                     metaDataAspect => private TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\MetaDataAspect prototype object max depth (26 items)
                     properties => protected array(15 items) max depth
                     storage => protected TYPO3\CMS\Core\Resource\ResourceStorage prototype object max depth
                     identifier => protected "/img/software/wynsert.png" (25 chars)
                     name => protected "wynsert.png" (11 chars)
                     deleted => protected FALSE
                  mergedProperties => protected array(53 items)
                     uid => 1983 (integer)
                     pid => 246 (integer)
                     tstamp => 1483973399 (integer)
                     crdate => 1422625741 (integer)
                     cruser_id => 6 (integer)
                     sorting => 256 (integer)
                     deleted => 0 (integer)
                     hidden => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_oid => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_id => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_wsid => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_label => "" (0 chars)
                     t3ver_state => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_stage => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_count => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_tstamp => 0 (integer)
                     t3ver_move_id => 0 (integer)
                     t3_origuid => 0 (integer)
                     sys_language_uid => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_parent => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_diffsource => "a:1:{s:6:"hidden";N;}" (21 chars)
                     uid_local => 3110 (integer)
                     uid_foreign => 3791 (integer)
                     tablenames => "tt_content" (10 chars)
                     fieldname => "image" (5 chars)
                     sorting_foreign => 1 (integer)
                     table_local => "sys_file" (8 chars)
                     title => NULL
                     description => NULL
                     alternative => NULL
                     link => "" (0 chars)
                     showinpreview => 0 (integer)
                     crop => "" (0 chars)
                     autoplay => 0 (integer)
                     l10n_state => NULL
                     missing => 0 (integer)
                     type => "2" (1 chars)
                     storage => 1 (integer)
                     identifier => "/img/software/wynsert.png" (25 chars)
                     identifier_hash => "2dcdb874fd53dbfe80f2c2aea2bb6b7e54fdf135" (40 chars)
                     extension => "png" (3 chars)
                     mime_type => "image/png" (9 chars)
                     name => "wynsert.png" (11 chars)
                     sha1 => "a631bdaf1d212c3d07dcbff434146c1b34639337" (40 chars)
                     size => 110757 (integer)
                     creation_date => 1422625009 (integer)
                     modification_date => 1422625009 (integer)
                     folder_hash => "c2f944caa54005bd8551a2f62cf50dc6adae02ec" (40 chars)
                     file => 3110 (integer)
                     width => 500 (integer)
                     height => 292 (integer)
                     categories => 0 (integer)
                     metadata_uid => 2971 (integer)
               dimensions => array(2 items)
                  width => 400 (integer)
                  height => 233 (double)

array(7 items)
   index => 0 (integer)
   cycle => 1 (integer)
   total => 1 (integer)
   isFirst => TRUE
   isLast => TRUE
   isEven => FALSE
   isOdd => TRUE

wylerINSERT is an easy to use yet powerful tool to read inclination values from WYLER BlueSystem  devices and insert them into any program at the current position of the cursor just like the values were typed in. It can be configured that it adds a key stroke like {TAB}, {ENTER} or a combination of after each inserted value. This way it is possible to position the cursor to the next insert position.


As soon as the measurement starts wylerINSERT collapses to free the input to the desired application like Excel or Word. To stop measurement doubleclick on the wylerINSERT icon in the system tray at the lower right corner. The dialog comes up to front and the measurement can be stopped.


wylerINSERT works with WYLER BlueSystem devices using a IR trigger (zapper) only.


Copyright © 2017 by WYLER AG. All Rights Reserved.



License management via wylerCONNECT.
... our software products can be demonstrated. For this purpose, please contact the representative responsible for you. Alternatively, the representative responsible for you can also provide you with a test license on a wylerCONNECT.

In both cases you will find the contact details via the following link

Link representatives