Company History
MAX WYLER started the activities in Winterthur by taking over the product range of precision spirit levels from the former company Franz Hoen, Buelach Switzerland
Under the name of “Max Wyler Wasserwaagen und Richtwerkzeuge”, the company was converted into a incorporated company with the name WYLER AG
The development of the first electronic inclination measuring instrument Niveltronic (nivelSWISS). Still today this instrument is highly esteemed by a number of metrologists
Development and introduction of the handheld instrument MINILEVEL “classic” A10 and the LEVELTRONIC “classic” A40
Successful launching of the small handheld instrument CLINOTRONIC with which the name WYLER was increasingly gaining notoriety
Development and introduction to the market of the Software LEVELSOFT for measuring flatness of surfaces and lines up to the final printing of a required protocol
Establishing the holding company WYLER INTERINVEST AG by H. Hinnen and R. Morlet. This new company takes over the complete shares of the WYLER AG
Accreditation of WYLER AG as an internationally recognized calibration laboratory SCS EN ISO / IEC 17025, official Swiss Calibration Service for inclination measurement
Presentation of the first inclination measuring sensor ZEROTRONIC, working completely on the digital principle together with the corresponding software DYNAM
Development and introduction to the market of the Software DYNAM for calculating and displaying static and dynamic inclinations and profiles by means of ZEROTRONIC-sensors
Development and introduction of the generation of handheld precision measuring instruments MINILEVEL NT and LEVELTRONIC NT as successors of the „classic“ series instruments
Development and launching of the handheld instrument named CLINO 2000 with integrated calibration possibility
Development and launch of the spirit level series “SPIRIT” with a completely new and revolutionary adjustment system
Development and introduction to the market of the software
application LEVELSOFT PRO
Development of a „wireless signal transmission“ of the measured data from the measuring instrument to a remotely placed receiver unit
Development of the ZEROMATIC 2/1 + 2/2 sensor head with automatic reversal measurement for one or two sensors
Development and introduction of a new generation of handheld precision measuring instruments BlueSYSTEM / BlueLEVEL - BlueMETER
Development and introduction of BlueTC with wireless data transmission
Development and introduction to the market of the Software
MT-SOFT for definition of machine tool geometry
Development and introduction of BlueSYSTEM BASIC a version with reduced features within the BlueSYSTEM family
Redesign of the instrument CLINOTRONIC PLUS, new with HLS-Sensor (semi conductor sensor) and USB-connection.
Development of the new software products WyBus, LabEXCEL, LabEXCEL Clino based on LabVIEW.
All the shares of WYLER AG were taken over by Heinz Hinnen
Development and introduction of BlueSYSTEM BASIC with wireless data transmission
Development and introduction of the new WyBus-Technology for
WYLER-Products and Software
Redesign of the ZEROMATIC 2/1 + 2/2 sensor head with automatic reversal measurement for one or two sensors
Redesign of handheld precision measuring instrument
CLINO 2000.
Development and introduction of the handheld precision measuring instrument BlueCLINO with wireless data transmission
Development and introduction of the data logger specifically adapted to WYLER instruments
Development and introduction of the display unit BlueMETER SIGMA with wireless data transmission
Development and introduction of the instrument BlueCLINO High Precision with and without wireless data transmission
Development and introduction of the modified instrument nivelSWISS-D with a slewing display and with data transmission via a USB cable
Development and introduction of the interface MultiTC
Development and introduction of the instrument BlueLEVEL-2D with and without wireless data transmission
Development and introduction of the high precision analog sensor LEVELMATIC C
Development and introduction to the market of the new measuring software wylerDYNAM for inclination measuring instruments and sensors produced by WYLER AG, a versatile software application for various measuring tasks.
Introduction of the new designed website WYLER AG
Development of the new software product wylerSPEC with wylerELEMENTS and wylerPROFESSIONAL
Development and introduction to the market of the new software product wylerSPEC with wylerELEMENTS and wylerPROFESSIONAL
Development and introduction of the high precision inclination measuring instrument Clinotronic S
wylerMASTER to calibrate inclination devices of the typ Clinotronic S and Clinotronic PLUS with a measuring range of 45°
wylerCONNECT is the interface to connect our measuring instruments and sensors to our software packages.
The Android APP wylerUNIVERSAL can handel all WYLER measuring instruments with builtin bluetooth. It is replacing all previous APP‘s.
wylerLEVEL Frame in 160 mm and 200 mm
wylerCLINO Frame 10°
wylerCLINO Frame 60° / in cast iron or aluminum
Heinz Hinnen resigned as CEO on July 1, 2023. Urs Kammacher takes over the management of the company as managing director.
At this point in time, Precise People GmbH (messwelk GmbH holding company) will take over the majority of WYLER AG.